Betting in the USA is legal

Betting on sporting events with friends is it legal or illegal in the USA?

I dont mean the kind of online betting, I mean like 2 guys that are friends and they place a $1000 bet on a game. Can I be arrested for doing that if cops found out about it? What I mean is like if you and a few of your friends got together in a bar and you each bet $100 on a sporting event. Can you be arrested for that?
I live in Ohio

Question asked by: john


The legality of betting on sporting events with friends in the USA can vary depending on the state in which you reside. In some states, such as Nevada, sports betting is legal and regulated, and individuals are free to place bets on sporting events with friends or through licensed sportsbooks. However, in many other states, sports betting is illegal, including betting with friends in a private setting.

In Ohio, sports betting is currently illegal, both in-person and online. Therefore, betting on sporting events with friends, even in a private setting, is also considered illegal. While the likelihood of being arrested for betting with friends is relatively low, it is still a risk that should be considered.

It is important to note that even if sports betting is legal in your state, there may be restrictions on betting with friends or other individuals. For example, in some states, only licensed sportsbooks are allowed to accept bets, while in others, individuals are allowed to place bets with friends or through pools, but not for profit.

It is always recommended to check the laws and regulations in your state regarding sports betting before engaging in any betting activities. If you are unsure about the legality of betting with friends or placing bets in general, it is best to consult with a legal professional.

I need some sports betting advice

I need some sports betting advice. What is a good site for baseball wagering picks?

James R asked:
I had the darn Brewers tonight and lost again. I need some advice that knows something about baseball. I am a fan, but I can’t pick it to save my life.


When it comes to sports betting advice, there are a few things to keep in mind. First and foremost, there is no guaranteed way to win every bet. Sports betting is a game of chance, and even the best experts can have bad days. However, there are some websites that offer baseball wagering picks that have a track record of success.

One of the most popular and respected websites for sports betting advice is SportsLine. This website has a team of experts who provide daily picks and predictions for various sports, including baseball. They use a combination of statistical analysis and insider knowledge to make their picks, and they have a solid track record of success.

Another website to consider is OddsShark. This website offers betting advice and analysis for various sports, including baseball. They provide in-depth analysis of upcoming games, along with betting trends and odds. They also have a team of experts who offer their own picks and predictions.

If you’re looking for a more specialized website, there are some that focus solely on baseball. For example, Baseball Crusher is a website that provides daily picks and predictions for MLB games. They claim to have a high success rate and offer a money-back guarantee if their picks don’t perform as expected.

Finally, it’s important to do your own research and not rely solely on the advice of others. Take the time to study the teams and players, and look for any factors that could affect the outcome of the game. Look at the betting lines and odds, and try to find value in the numbers. With some patience and diligence, you can improve your chances of making successful baseball wagers.

Sports betting in Vegas

Sports betting in Vegas through a wesite?

Is there a good (legal) website to place sports bets in Vegas? I overheard someone talking about making Vegas NFL bets on a wesite. I didn’t think you could that.

Question posted by: searcher

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